Pure passion

We are passionate about prawns, purity and the planet. As far as we are concerned, when it comes to the welfare of the planet, it takes absolute integrity and commitment to make a difference. Our attitude is 'it can't get pure enough'.

Svalbard Harvest Senjahopen Production Ã…lesund Headquarters

Pure flavor

We offer one of the world's purest products. Caught in the world's cleanest waters. Following the world's strictest environmental standards. Caught in the deeply cold, clean waters of the Arctic, our Norwegian prawns are of a quality and purity that makes them without equal.

1150 ft.

Northern Light

1350 ft.

Coldwater prawns

1250 ft.

Royal Spitsbergen


Pure origin

We have one of the purest products on the planet. A major reason for this is our prawns' unique origin - the deep Arctic waters of the Barents Sea. The freezing conditions mean that the Coldwater prawn matures more slowly than other, more common variants.

-45° SvalbardLowest temperature noted 01.20.2013
-11° Nordaustlandet Current temperature -12° Ny Ålesund Current temperature -12° Longyearbyen Current temperature

Pure planet

Coldwater Prawns of Norway knows it owes an incalculable debt to the planet. Without the fruits of Mother Nature our business would simply not exist. This is one of the reasons why we have always taken our environmental responsibilities extremely seriously.

The sustainability of the Norwegian prawn fishing industry is documented by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC). Coldwater Prawns of Norway has MSC certification, helping to consolidate Norway as the nation with the greatest share of environmentally certified fisheries anywhere in the world. KRAV is Sweden’s best known environmental label for food, based on ecological considerations and with particularly strict requirements relating to animal welfare, health, social responsibility and environmental impact. This is an international body that sets a host of sustainable fishery criteria, including compliance with a variety of legal requirements, non- overexploited target stock and zero relevant impact on the seabed. It also sets waste management and social accountability standards. The mark in the colors of the Norwegian flag - red, white and blue, guarantees that Norwegian seafood originates from cold, clear Norwegian waters and contributes towards a stronger position for Norwegian seafood globally.

Navigating by our moral compass

Coldwater Prawns of Norway knows it owes an incalculable debt to the planet. Without the fruits of Mother Nature our business would simply not exist. This is one reason we have always taken our environmental responsibilities extremely seriously.

We really do consider it an honour to fish the Arctic waters of the Barents Sea – one of the most dramatic, awe-inspiring environments in the world.

We’d very much like to keep it that way.  That’s why we are setting the industry standard when it comes to environmental responsibility and sustainable fishing practices.  We believe that what’s good for the planet is also good for our business.


Knut Helge Vestre
CEO, Coldwater Prawns of Norway


We don’t like seeing food go to waste. It’s an issue that’s close to our hearts at Coldwater Prawns of Norway. Food waste is a challenge on a global scale.

About one-third of all food for human consumption is either lost or wasted – that’s some 1.3bn tonnes each year. In the EU alone, 88m tonnes of food are wasted annually (source European Commission – Fusions 2016). Food waste often ends up as landfill, creating methane. Also, take into account all the resources used in the production of food. Consider all the stages of cultivation, storage, preparation, transportation, processing, packaging and so on.

With wasted food, all this has been for nothing. Things need to change- and frozen food has an exciting role to play.


One of the main benefits with frozen food – especially with how we lead our lives today – is how it has the potential to cut down on food waste. You take as much or as little as you need. No more, no less. Whether you are feeding a family or just yourself, portions are perfect.


Additionally, research in the UK has indicated that frozen food may be instrumental in reducing carbon emissions by the food industry in general in the future. Researchers discovered that a frozen meal for a family of four produces five-per-cent less CO2 than a chilled alternative. They concluded this after looking at various CO2 emission points in the food production chain, from slaughter or harvest to the final appearance on the dining table. (Source: Eating Green report, Refrigeration Developments and Testing, 2012)


At Coldwater Prawns of Norway, we don’t waste any part of the prawn. We work with fellow Norwegian firm Seagarden, which uses the shell in food flavouring applications globally, following drying and processing stages. Additionally, any water we use in processing is thoroughly cleaned before being deposited at sea.

Leading by example,
holding the world’s

A superior product only comes about because of a meticulous attention to quality, right across the board. Not only does Coldwater Prawns of Norway operate to internationally recognised industry standards, we also hold ourselves accountable to even more demanding environmental regulations.

Coldwater Prawns of Norway is the only supplier in the world that delivers 100% Norwegian coldwater prawns, with MSC, FOS and KRAV approval.

this is not

For us, however, this is not enough. That’s why we created our own certification brand, Pure Gourmet. The goal of Pure Gourmet is to set even stricter demands as regards sustainable harvesting.

Recently, Coldwater Prawns of Norway decided to strengthen its green-credentials even further with a bold 16mNOK (1.9mUSD) initiative.

The result is a series of far-reaching energy and environmental-focused measures that have had a global impact across our whole organisation – from our company offices to our fishing vessels and our packaging facilities.


‘With this passion comes respect for nature and the expectation that we hold ourselves accountable to the highest possible standards. Our customers not only care about how we source our catch but rightly expect that we take every action possible to leave as small a footprint on the environment as possible.’

As a result, Coldwater Prawns of Norway sought both collaboration and advice from Tafjord Marked – northwest Norway’s largest energy company – and independent energy consultants EnergirÃ¥d.


CEO of Energiråd, Harald Lillebø, said: ‘Energy consumption, both directly and indirectly, is the biggest cause of today’s global climate problems. The most important action a company can take to help reduce its impact on the climate and the environment is to reduce its energy use.’

To that end, Coldwater Prawns of Norway was involved and instructed in effective energy management practices. This included the establishment and operation of a planning and management system for energy use, plus the training and education of all the employees in effective energy use routines.


The company’s buildings, production facilities and technical facilities, were all comprehensively audited by Energiråd, along with operating procedures. Energy use has also been mapped, providing Coldwater Prawns of Norway with valuable insight into just how energy is used. As a result of this data, we will look to further streamline energy consumption as much as possible.


Energiråd then prepared an overview of improvement opportunities. In order to adopt the recommendations in the most effective way, Coldwater Prawns of Norway created an action plan in close cooperation with Energiråd. This will form the basis for an annual review in order to ensure the continuous implementation of improvement measures moving forward.



Of course, we know that all of these initiatives and valuable insight will never be fully leveraged on unless our company culture adapts accordingly.

For this reason, we have undertaken comprehensive training, information and awareness sessions with members of the Coldwater Prawns of Norway team.

Employees are also actively encouraged to make suggestions and take the initiative when it comes to conducting daily business in a more energy-efficient way.

the tip of
the iceberg

We realise that what we are doing in the face of a global environmental challenge is merely the tip of the iceberg. Yet, in playing our part and having such a strong environmental focus, we hope to inspire the industry at large as well as businesses in general – no matter which sectors they operate in.

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